Carrera in an SE/30 – the code part 2

3rd handler

Next up is the 3rd handler, MacII_3rd: (0x3F94) in our case. Actually it’s called with JSR 8(A6), but that’s an 8 byte offset to the ‘base-address’ of any handler. Clever stuff, huh (Google for ‘pointer-table’)?

This subroutine contains serious magic and was a real hard nut to crack. Especially because it tricked me into believing that I’ve found the ‘crashsite’… which, to spoil the tension, isn’t.
It just kept on killing  Macsbug, because it’s so low-level.

What this routine does is replacing the Vector Base Register (VBR) which ‘lives’ at address 0x00000000. Evil stuff.

  • After disabling interrupts and switching to 32bit-mode a field with 6 long-words (data107) will be populated with data generated in other routines.
    For now I can only guess what these entries are (Values from my SE/30 given in brackets). We’ll discuss all that further down.
  • 0x3FC6 to 0x3FD8 calculates the size of the chunk of code starting at data106 (0x4008) to the beginning of MacII_4th (i.e. the end of Mac_3rd), which is 180 bytes.
  • Using this length, the routine first saves the current VBR onto the stack using the system call _BlockMove.
    Then the original VBR (+some more) will be replaced by the new version beginning at data106. (Killing Macsbug – more on that later)
  • BSR 53_cmd_1x is been called. This brings the Carrera040 into life most likely using the just copied VBR (This is discussed in much detail further down).
  • Now the contents of the stack (= copy of the original VBR) will be copied back into its place, this time using a classic DBRA loop (0x3FF4). My guess, no Toolbox call possible at the moment.
  • Adjust the stack, back to 16bit mode, restore Registers and return-from-subroutiene. Done.

Here’s the code doing all this:

3F94:MacII_3rd: MOVE    SR,-(A7)     ; 3rd call from MacII handler
3F96:           ORI     #$700,SR       ; Set bit 9-11 of SR (disable Interrupts)
3F9A:           MOVEM.L D0-D2/A0-A2,-(A7)
3F9E:           MOVEQ   #1,D0
3FA0:           _SwapMMUMode  
3FA2:           PUSH.B  D0
3FA4:           SUBA.L  A2,A2         ; faster movea.l #0,a2
3FA6:           LEA     data107,A0    ; Filling the data into the 6x32 field
3FAA:           MOVE.L  96(A5),D0
3FAE:           MOVE.L  D0,(A0)+      ; SE30: 9FE00
3FB0:           LEA     data69,A1
3FB4:           MOVE.L  A1,(A0)+      ; SE30: 9D6E2 (User/Supervisor Rootpointer?)
3FB6:           MOVE.L  $64(A5),(A0)+ ; 807FC040
3FBA:           MOVE.L  $6C(A5),(A0)+ ; 807FC040
3FBE:           MOVE.L  $68(A5),(A0)+ ; 00000000
3FC2:           MOVE.L  $70(A5),(A0)+ ; 00000000
3FC6:           LEA     MacII_4th,A0
3FCA:           MOVE.L  A0,D2
3FCC:           LEA     data106,A0
3FD0:           SUB.L   A0,D2         ; 'distance' from data106 to MacII_4th
3FD2:           SUBA.L  D2,A7
3FD4:           MOVEA.L A2,A0
3FD6:           MOVEA.L A7,A1
	  	; save the current VBR to the stack
3FD8:           MOVE.L  D2,D0
	  	; A0 = SE30: 00000000 (src)  - IIci: $FBB08000
	  	; A1 = SE30: 027ff34c (dest) - IIci: $3BF9FC6
	  	; D0 = B4    (count)   - SAME on the IIci!    
3FDA:           _BlockMove ; (A0/srcPtr,A1/destPtr:Ptr; D0/byteCount:Size) 
	  	; write my own VBR...
                ; This copies 180 bytes into 0x000000000 replacing the original VBR. 
                ; ... and kills Macsbug if not circumvented properly.
3FDC:           LEA     data106,A0
3FE0:           MOVEA.L A2,A1
3FE2:           MOVE.L  D2,D0
	  	; A0 = 9F900 (src)   - IIci 10C4EA (data88)    
	  	; A1 = 00000 (dest)  - IIci FBB08000
	  	; D0 = B4    (count) - IIci same  
3FE4:           _BlockMove ; (A0/srcPtr,A1/destPtr:Ptr; D0/byteCount:Size) 
3FE6:           BSR     53_cmd_1x  ; Bring the C040 to life
3FEA:           MOVEA.L A7,A0  ; SP to A0
3FEC:           MOVEA.L A2,A1  ; SE30: 00000000
3FEE:           MOVE.L  D2,D0  ; the code length (B4 again)
3FF0:           BRA.S   lae_163
3FF2:   lae_162 MOVE.B  (A0)+,(A1)+ ; Write the VBR back from the stack
3FF4:   lae_163 DBRA    D0,lae_162
3FF8:           ADDA.L  D2,A7 ; adjust the stack
3FFA:           POP.B   D0
3FFC:           _SwapMMUMode  
3FFE:           MOVEM.L (A7)+,D0-D2/A0-A2
4002:           MOVE    (A7)+,SR
4004:           MOVEQ   #0,D0
4006:           RTS     
; Start of VBR replacement- and 040-Code being copied to 0x0 the by line 0x3FE4 
; /if/ theses are the Vectors 0-17, then their meaning would be:
4008: data106:  DC.L    #$00001000 ; Reset initial Stack Pointer
400C:           DC.L    #$00000050 ; Reset initial Program Counter
; - ALL of these Vectors point to addr 4050 (offset 0x48) -
4010:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Buserror  
4014:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Adress Error
4018:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Illegal Instruction
401C:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Zero Divide
4020:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; CHK, CHK2 instruction
4024:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; cpTRAPcc, TRAPcc, TRAPV instruction
4028:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Privilige Violation
402C:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Trace
4030:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; LINE 1010 Emulation
4034:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; LINE 1111 Emulation
; THESE are definitely no vectors, they are dynamically written by the code above
; and to be used to setup the 040 MMU registers.
4038: data107:  DC.L    #$0009FE00 ;  
403C:           DC.L    #$0009D6E2; 
4040:           DC.L    #$807FC040 ; 
4044:           DC.L    #$807FC040 ; SE30: 
4048:           DC.L    #$00000000 ; SE30: 00000000 
404C:           DC.L    #$00000000 ; SE30: 00000000 
4050:           CLR.L   $53000000  ; Poke 0 to $53000000
4056:           BRA     lae_164    ; This points to itself... I'm lost at the moment.
4058:           LEA     data107,A0 ; SE30: 9F900
405C:           MOVE.L  (A0)+,D1   ; SE30: 0009FE00 (User/Supervisor Rootpointer)
405E:           MOVEA.L (A0)+,A1   ; 0009D6E2
4060:           MOVE.L  (A0)+,D4   ; 807FC040
4062:           MOVE.L  (A0)+,D5   ; 807FC040
4064:           MOVE.L  (A0)+,D6   ; 00000000
4066:           MOVE.L  (A0)+,D7   ; 00000000
4068:           MOVE.L  #$C000,D0
406E$           MOVEC   D0,ITT0   ; Set Instruction Transparent Translation
4072$           MOVEC   D0,DTT0   ; Set Data Transparent Translation
4076$           MOVEC   D1,SRP    ; Set Supervisor Rootpointer
407A$           MOVEC   D1,URP    ; Set User Rootpointer
407E:           MOVE.L  #$C000,D0
4084$           PFLUSHA           ; Invalidates all entries in the address translation cache
4086$           MOVEC   D0,TC 
408A:           LEA     data108,A0
408E:           ADDA.L  #$53002000,A0 ; (=0x530A1900)
4094:           JMP     (A0)      ; JuMP to data108 code (below) in C040 RAM range?     
4096:  data108: MOVEQ   #0,D0
4098$           MOVEC   D0,ITT0 
409C$           MOVEC   D0,DTT0 
40A0$           MOVEC   D4,ITT0 
40A4$           MOVEC   D5,DTT0 
40A8$           MOVEC   D6,ITT1 
40AC$           MOVEC   D7,DTT1 
40B0$           CINVA   BC
40B2:           NOP     
40B4:           MOVEQ   #0,D0
40B6$           MOVEC   D0,CACR
40BA:           JMP     (A1)    ; 0009D6E2
; END 040 Code being copied to somewhere by line 3FE4 
40BC: MacII_4th: MOVEM.L D1-D7/A0-A4,-(A7)  ; 4th subroutine called my MacII_handler

The Vector Base Register

I wasn’t precise when I initially said “replacing the VBR”. What actually happens is that this routine uses what I’d call an interim-VBR for the moment it initializes the 68040 on the C040. You’ve probably saw the link referring to what the VBR is in the 1st post of this series, but let me go a bit more into detail.

The VBR is a list of addresses (aka vectors) the CPU refers to in case of an exception – and this is true for every 68k system out there, e.g. Mac, SUN, NeXT, Amiga or Atari. Some of them might do some relocation using their MMU, but even the virtual address will be 0x00000000 and the order is the same.  There are 16 basic vectors as listed here:

If for example a divide-by-zero happens, the CPU would call a handler which address is stored in 0x14.  Pretty simple.
So let’s have a look what MacII_3rd left in the VBR (and below that) when the ‘interim VBR’ is in place:

0000: data106:  DC.L    #$00001000 ; Reset initial Stack Pointer
0004:           DC.L    #$00000050 ; Reset initial Program Counter
     ; - ALL of these Vectors point to addr 0x48 -
0008:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Buserror  
000C:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Adress Error
0010:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Illegal Instruction
0014:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Zero Divide
0018:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; CHK, CHK2 instruction
001C:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; cpTRAPcc, TRAPcc, TRAPV instruction
0020:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Privilige Violation
0024:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; Trace
0028:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; LINE 1010 Emulation
002C:           DC.L    #$00000048 ; LINE 1111 Emulation
     ; - THESE are definitely no vectors, they are dynamically written by the 
     ;   code above and to be used to setup the 040 MMU registers.
0030:  data107: DC.L    #$00000000 ; SE30: 0009FE00  (12)
0034:           DC.L    #$00000000 ; SE30: 0009D6E2  (13)
0038:           DC.L    #$00000000 ; SE30: 807FC040  (14) 
003C:           DC.L    #$00000000 ; SE30: 807FC040  (15)
0040:           DC.L    #$00000000 ; SE30: 00000000 
0044:           DC.L    #$00000000 ; SE30: 00000000 
0048:           CLR.L   $53000000  ; Poke 0 to $53000000 ; C040 off
004C:  blocker3 BRA     blocker3    ; Points to itself... probably a "blocker"
0050:           LEA     data107,A0 ; initial Program Counter (SE30: 9F900)
0054:           MOVE.L  (A0)+,D1   ; SE30: 0009FE00 (User/Supervisor Rootpointer)
0058:           MOVEA.L (A0)+,A1   ; 0009D6E2
005C:           MOVE.L  (A0)+,D4   ; 807FC040
0060:           MOVE.L  (A0)+,D5   ; 807FC040
0064:           MOVE.L  (A0)+,D6   ; 00000000
0068:           MOVE.L  (A0)+,D7   ; 00000000
006C:           MOVE.L  #$C000,D0
0070:           MOVEC   D0,ITT0    ; Set Instruction Transparent Translation
0074:           MOVEC   D0,DTT0    ; Set Data Transparent Translation
0078:           MOVEC   D1,SRP     ; Set Supervisor Rootpointer
007C:           MOVEC   D1,URP     ; Set User Rootpointer
0080:           MOVE.L  #$C000,D0
0084:           PFLUSHA            ; Invalidates all entries in the address translation cache
0088:           MOVEC   D0,TC 
008C:           LEA     data108,A0
0090:           ADDA.L  #$53002000,A0 ; (=0x530A1900)
0094:           JMP     (A0)       ; JuMP to data108 code (below) in C040 RAM range? 
009C:  data108: MOVEQ   #0,D0
00A0:           MOVEC   D0,ITT0 ; 0
00A4:           MOVEC   D0,DTT0 ; 0
00A8:           MOVEC   D4,ITT0 ; 807FC040
00AC:           MOVEC   D5,DTT0 ; 807FC040
00B0:           MOVEC   D6,ITT1 ; 00000000
00B4:           MOVEC   D7,DTT1 ; 00000000
00B8:           CINVA   BC
00BC:           NOP     
00C0:           MOVEQ   #0,D0
00C4:           MOVEC   D0,CACR
00C8:           JMP     (A1)    ; 0009D6E2
Farewell, old friend

At this point, my SE/30 always froze and I thought this must be the point where to find incompatibilities between the IIci and SE/30.
But after understanding, what’s really going on, it was clear that overwriting the TRAP exception (Nr.7), Macsbug was simply kicked out of the game as this exception is triggered after every step/trace you do in a debugger…
So to get beyond this point, I had to modify the program counter to skip the point where TRAP is copied-over… which is done inside the Toolbox’ _BlockMove call. So I had to single-step into that and find the right call/time to do a ‘pc=pc+2’ 😉 (Good thing you can define a macro for that).

Okayyyyy. After that’s been written, 53_cmd_1x is called, presumably telling the C040 to come to life.
And keen as it is, it’ll look up the “Reset initial Program Counter” (VBR: 0xC) and starts executing code from 0x50. Any other occurring exception will call the ‘handler’ at 0x48, simply switching the C004 off and sit in an endless loop (0x4C) – probably making the 68030 to take over again.


Given everything’s fine, the code at 0x50 will start reading the previously populated data from data107 into several registers.
Then some serious 68040 MMU table setup happens – so this is some kind of ‘040 initialization routine… and the ‘040 is actually running. Woohoo!

Time for some special register explanation:
As we all know, the 68040 has two in-build 4k caches and an MMU. The latter can be programmed how and what to cache. This is defined in 4 registers of which only 2 are of interest here: ITT0 and DTT0, the Instruction and Data Transparent Translation registers, both sharing the same bit-fields following this pattern:


  • BLogical Address Base – compared with address bits A31-A24. Addresses that match in this comparison are transparently translated
  • MLogical Address Mask – setting a bit in this field causes corresponding bit in Base field to be ignored
  • E – Enable Bit – 1 – translation enabled; 0 – disabled
  • SSupervisor Mode – 00 – match only in user mode 01 – match only in supervisor mode 1x – ignore mode when matching
  • U – User Page Attributes – ignored by 040
  • CCache mode – 00 – Cacheable, Write-through 01 – Cacheable, Copyback 10 – Noncacheable, Serialized 11 – Noncacheable
  • WWrite protect – 0 – write permitted; 1 – write disabled

Here’s an example:

807FC040 = 10000000011111111100000001000000 

which means:

  • a bit less than 2GB transparently translated (2032MB)
  • translation enabled
  • Supervisor Mode: ignore mode when matching
  • Cache mode: Noncacheable, Serialized
  • Write permitted

So let’s have a look at the code again:

At 0x70/0x74 the MMU is set to 0xC000, i.e. Enable translation, apply for user & supervisor mode, write-though cache, for logical address space 0x80000000-0x00ffffff (2GB minus the bottom 16MB).
Then Supervisor & User Rootpointer are set to 0x9FE00, then the address translation cache is flushed to finally set the Translation Control register to Enable & 8K page size (0x88)… up to here this was pretty much ‘by the book’ of how to set-up MMU tables.

Having its MMU all set, the 68040 now gets something to chew on:
The address of data108 is added to 0x53002000 and jumped to!
💡  Does 0x53002000 equal 0x00000000 for the C040?

Let’s assume the C040 executes the code at data108 for now. That is:

  • Clear the ITT/DTT registers
  • Set the MMU to 0x807FC040 (see decoding example above)
  • invalidate caches and wait’a’NOP to have that happened
  • then disable all caches
  • and jump to where A1 points to. In my SE/30 that’s 0x9D6E2, previously loaded from data107 in 0x58

Writing all this from the top of my head, I’m not 100% sure where this address is pointing to. I must be somewhat back into MacII_3rd (0x3FEA), because this is where the program execution resumes (Need to check this with Macsbug and will update).

For now, I’m tempted to call MacII_3rd something like ‘C040_MMU_setup‘… but I’d love to have this confirmed  💡 by somebody who knows more than me 😉

Next up will be continuing working further through the main: procedure again… so move over here.

6 thoughts on “Carrera in an SE/30 – the code part 2”

  1. Hi,

    Not knowing much about Mac hardware, it looks like bit 0 of $53000000 controls which CPU is active. The other CPU will likely be stalled on a memory access. This explains why the switch sequence includes NOPs, because the CPU may have prefetched some instructions and the code must make sure no changes happen to the CPU state which should be visible for the other CPU. With this knowledge in mind, I speculate 53_cmd_1x is a 030to040 switch routine, which starts on 030, switches to the 040 and stalls and will continue running on 030 when $53000000 bit 0 is cleared again. So all the code in this routine runs 030. 53_cmd_0 would then be the 040to30 counterpart. So all the code runs on 040 and the 040 is stalled somewhere around $1e00 while the 030 is active.
    The very first time the 040 is switched to, its internal state is the reset state, so the MMU etc needs to be setup. That’s what the code you mentioned here does and it ends by jumping into the 040to030 switch routine, as if a normal switch to 030 was performed. Only the state save does not need to be done, because the 040 did not have any state yet. I do wonder how the code distinguishes between a succesful 040 init and a failed one where it switches back to 030 at $0048 and puts the 040 in a permanent infinite loop. So if the 040 would ever be switched to, the system would just hang.

    1. Hey Peter,
      Thanks for commenting!
      Yes, it’s pretty clear, that “poking” a 1 to 0x5300k is the low-level command for the 040 to take over (as mentioned in the post: “After that’s been written, 53_cmd_1x is called, presumably telling the C040 to come to life”), while a “0” is switching it off again.
      Also the whole call-chain to switch between the 030 and 040 is well documented, see the full source in my github repository (search for ‘switchto030’ and ‘switchto040’ both called by ‘SetCPUmode’).
      The “infinitve loop” is IMHO a typical ‘sit and wait for interrupt’ thing.

      1. Another question: doesn’t 0x807FC040 as TTR value mean all virtual addresses from 0x80000000 to 0xffffffff are translated 1:1 to a physical address?

  2. You’re likely right about MacII_3rd being C040_MMU_Setup. I think the reason for ADDA.L #$53002000,A0 is simply that this routine has to be independent of the final MMU setup at least to the extent possible. So the code cannot rely on how the first 16MB will be mapped in the final setup, using either the page table or a transparent translation. The only guarantee is probably that the address space required for the C040 itself is mapped. Hence the procedure is as follows:
    1) setup temporary transparent translation for the first 16MB so we can continue to run when the MMU is on.
    2) load page table pointers for user and supervisor mode
    3) enable MMU
    4) jump to known good mapping (ie in the C040 address space)
    5) load final transparent translation setup
    6) switch back to 030

    1. about your question ‘Does 0x53002000 equal 0x00000000 for the C040?’ Realizing that 0x2000 is the page size, I wouldn’t be surprised the page table contains a mapping of 0x53002000 to 0x0. This can be verified by inspecting the page table ofcourse.

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