
Over the years fiddling around with Transputer systems, using Helios became inevitable… and from there it became an addiction leading to “side projects” like Helios-NG (aka “Sköll”), a project to revive the Original Helios.

So, I thought it’s about time to move these projects into a main chapter on this page. Voilá.

For now, there are 2 sub-chapters: “Helios” (the original) providing a quick-start and all the handy know-how to get started and “Helios-NG”, the home of the Next-Gen version… select them from the main Helios pulldown menu above.

One thought on “Helios”

  1. Pingback: Helios-NG: An open-source cluster OS that links the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga – Best Soundcloud Rappers 2019

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